1105 Massachusetts Avenue Condominium Trust

Board of Trustees Meeting

August 15, 2024


The meeting of the 1105 Mass. Ave Condominium Trust Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, August 15th at 4:30 PM via zoom.

Present for the Board of Trustees were Rick Landau, Roger O’Sullivan, Brad Settle, Bev Thornton

Also in attendance were Myra Miller and Eder Nunez.


PREVIOUS MONTHS MINUTES:  The minutes of July 18th were approved as presented.


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNT STATUS:  Several units have balances.  The space that held Zoes needs cleaning, and we are concerned about rodents.  Myra should write to Hodan and ask that they clean up and sanitize the space.


LAUNDRY PROPOSAL:  The one Speed Queen washer we ordered has come in and is in stock at American Laundry Co.  We will hold on buying the one washer for the 12th floor.  We received proposals but still have questions.  For both proposals received we need to know how the machines communicate – is it phone lines, blue tooth or internet. Do they offer a card only option.  Ask both companies if they need internet. (after meeting Myra communicated with Cindi Schiefler of American Laundry, and she said that no internet was needed, you used blue tooth if you had a smart phone or quarters in each machine.  If you wanted the card machine, this is just added value to the laundry cards, you put money in the machine and it transfers the value to the card.  The drawback would be that the machine could be accessible to visitors in the building and would need a secure location) Need clarification for what the hold back amount would be and how it is canceled.

Want front loading machines, one floor will have cash and the rest would be apps.  We want proposals from both companies on a rate of $2.50 per load.  Maybe leave the PH level machines taking quarters


BEUDO:  The city counsel does not meet in the summer, therefore there is no update.


ELEVATOR CONSULTANT REPORT:  Peter recommended that we require regular meetings and that VDA circulate notes of those meetings.  The VDA report stated current maintenance deficiencies.  We should forward the report to the elevator company and see how they react.  We need to: find out where the phone lines go; why one elevator phone does not work.   We received 2 reports – one should go to the elevator company.  (PS this has been forwarded to Stanley Elevator).

The board agreed to have VDA write the specifications for the upgrades.


EVERSOURCE:  Myra reported that she signed the contract with Rene Mugnier and sent the deposit.  Our ultimate hope is that we can put back the original build.  Attorney draft of a letter to Eversource was received, the Board reviewed the letter and approved it to be sent.  Myra to ask the attorney if we can try to recover some of the costs that we will incur for this work.


ROOFERS:  They have started the roof work over Boston Burger.


MEEB:  They have developed their own portal for filing the Corporate Transparency Act paperwork.  There is no charge for their clients.


NEXT MEETING DATE:  Thursday September 26th at 4 PM


Respectfully submitted,

ELN Management

Myra Finn Miller