1105 Massachusetts Avenue Condominium Trust

Board of Trustees Meeting

March 28, 2024


The meeting of the 1105 Mass. Ave. Condominium Trust Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 4:00 PM via Zoom.

Present for the Board were Laura Cohen, John Giannacopoulos, Rick Landau, Roger O’Sullivan, Brad Settle, Peter Sullivan and Bev Thornton.

Also in attendance were Elder Nunez and Myra Miller


PREVIOUS MONTHS MINUTES:  The February 22, 2024 meeting minutes were approved as presented.


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNT STATUS:  The Board reviewed the account status lists and the most recent financial statement.


BEUDO:  No update.  Our annual energy reporting to the City has been completed.


3A AND 3G FOLLOW UP:  Myra will send another letter to keep the paper trail going.


NEXT PLUMBING WORK:  The Board agreed to continue with the laundry room stack pipe replacement.  We will go another 3 floors (8, 9 10), then we have only 3 more to do!




UNIT 2F:  Continued leak from 2F is being addressed by the window company.  The next sunny day John will make modifications to the installation.  He will outline his fix since this window requires a different installation from standard.  It is 6” wide and the standard slider is 4” wide.   Rick asked if the installation process can be written down for future use.  We should consider trying to inspect areas that could potentially be a problem. There was a question about whether we can hire someone who has drones that can look at areas on the outside the building.  Myra will check into this.  Brad asked if we can check with one of the companies that he has seen used in his office building to see if they recommend the same work that we do and ask about the standard regimen for a building like ours.

Roger suggested getting an independent engineer to evaluate the windows and sliders and to make recommendations on installation for all owners who want to replace sliders and windows.

Bev mentioned that down the road we need to set up guidelines for the window and slider replacements.  The independent engineer can help us with this.


UNIT 3F:  Unit 3F is trying to be sold, it should be complete in May.  There are issues with the buyer because the property tax database lists it as an office.  Buyers want to live in the space exactly as it is currently laid out (4 offices, kitchen and one bathroom).  It is not laid out like a typical residential unit. 


INSURANCE: Insurance renewal process has begun.  The current policy expires May 23rd.


GARAGE PERMITS:  Open air and garage permits have been applied for and received.  (these cover the storage of gas in the tanks of cars).


FIRE DEPARTMENT:  The Fire captain came to 1105 for a walkthrough of the building.  He made several recommendations.  We can remove the hoses that are on each floor.  The fire department will not use our hoses but will use their own.  The Fire Chief will come back to tell us of the connector to the hose is compatible to the city hoses.  If not, we will need to change the connection.   He also requested signage on the outside connections to the building to state what they service (are they for the standpipe and the garage sprinkler system??)  The sprinkler company has been asked to identify all that was brought to our attention.


BUDGET DRAFT:  Myra started the budget and found we can keep fees the same if we reduce the amount going to the reserve fund.  FNMA requires at minimum 10% of the operating costs and we put in more than that.  It was suggested to try to maintain the transfer to the reserve account at a higher level.  We need to keep increasing the reserve fund.  The Board agreed to increase the cost of parking rental. It might be time to update the reserve study.  Myra to show effect of condo fee increases of 1 and 2% and parking fee at $210 per slot.


NEXT MEETING DATE:  Thursday, April 25th at 5 PM .  NOTE TIME CHANGE


Respectfully submitted,

ELN Management


Myra Miller