There was no board meeting in the month of August, please refer to the minutes from September 7, 2023 below


1105 Massachusetts Avenue Condominium Trust

Board of Trustees Meeting

September 7, 2023



The meeting of the 1105 Mass Ave Condominium Trust Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, September 7, 2023 via zoom.

Present for the Board were John Giannacopoulos, Rick Landau, Marge Mulkerin, Roger O’Sullivan and Bev Thornton.

Also in attendance were Elder Nunez and Myra Miller


PREVIOUS MONTHS MINUTES:  The minutes of June 22, 2023 were approved as presented.


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNT STATUS:  No questions on the most recent financial statement.


2G:  The replacement kitchen cabinets have been ordered.  Peter is communicating with contractor over the details in the contract.  We should come in under the $30,000 budget.


INSURANCE LOSS:  Myra gave an update on the insurance loss of July 21, 2023 from 11C down 6 floors.  We are still waiting for the final report from the adjuster.  We should make more prominent the Newsletter item on insurance, reminding people that every Unit Owner and tenant should have their own individual insurance policy for liability and contents.  There is also a document on the website that explains the need for insurance.


BEUDO UPDATE:  Roger reported that the Cambridge Condo Alliance and the City have set up committees and are looking for volunteers.  There will be a new city council elected in November and that might change the path for BEUDO going forward.


ROOF FOLLOW UP:  John mentioned that a roofer he knows is submitting a proposal – he thinks it’s around $80,000 for the roof.  Allstar will honor the old price that was originally submitted because of insulation codes with the city are allowing for the old codes.


Before any work is scheduled, there needs to be follow up with Hodan about the HVAC units on this roof and determination of what units are working and what is out of commission.  We need to know if some of these units can be removed and closed off.


1075 MANAGER:  There have been 3 messages left for him and no response from him.  Myra will call again about painting the wall of 1075 facing our parking lot.


ELEVATOR CAMERA:  We received an explanation from Mike Cassettari of ACP about why the existing cameras and cable do not work while the elevators are in motion.    We approved a $5000 cost from ACP for this new camera and cable replacement and are awaiting installation.


TREE WORK:  The work on the pine tree next door on the Trowbridge side has been completed.  It was recommended that we have the tree guy come back every few years to keep the tree trimmed back.


COST FOR STAGING INDIVIDUAL BEDROOM WINDOWS: We received a price of $1750 from Allstar to hang staging to reach the bedroom windows.    Discussion occurred about who will bear this cost if bedroom windows are replaced and we are not doing that drop for waterproofing, there was no conclusion.  Myra will ask Richie if he can do this one-bedroom window (6d) for a lower price while he is already here.


PIT OVERFLOW:  We voted to replace the system in its entirety. (it will be replaced on Tuesday, 9/12)


TOW COMPANY:  We have a new tow company, same telephone number, new name.  Authorization was set up for all Trustees who live on site to authorize a tow.  The tow company sometimes wants someone on site as a witness when the tow occurs. 


BIKE RACKS:  There is a request for more bicycle racks.  We will take a look at the parking space next to #45, #46, to use for bicycles.


OTHER MAINTENANCE ITEMS:  The main drain line replacement in University Market has been completed.


ANNUAL MEETING DATE:  The second Thursday is November 16th . We do not know yet whether this will be in person or remotely by zoom. 


NEXT MEETING DATE: The next meeting of the Board will be held on September 28, 2023 at 4:30 via zoom


Respectfully submitted,

Myra Finn Miller

ELN Management