1105 Massachusetts Avenue Condominium Trust
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 21, 2023
The meeting of the Board of Trustees of 1105 Mass Ave. Condominium Trust was held on Thursday, December 21, 2023 via Zoom.
Present for the Board were Laura Cohen, Rick Landau, Roger O’Sullivan, Bradley Settle, and Bev Thornton.
Also in attendance were Myra Miller and Elder Nunez
PREVIOUS MONTH’S MINUTES: The minutes of the November 16th board meeting and the November 16th Annual Meeting of Unit Owners were approved as presented.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNT STATUS: The financial statement and account status reports were reviewed.
UNIT 2G RENOVATIONS: 3 brokers are handling the rental; it is also on Zillow and Trulia. The goal is a renter with the lease expiring the end of July and renewal option on a yearly basis from August 1st. This is not the good time of year for rentals
BEUDO: Still no updates. There is a new council coming in, and we don’t know how that will impact the BEUDO ordinance going forward.
ELECTRICITY PURCHASE: We received a proposal for the purchase of common area electricity from a private supplier. We would then leave the Cambridge Aggregation group. There was a request to see the actual contract for review before we make a decision. See how complicated it is to leave this supplier and the terms of the contract. Also try to find out the estimate of savings for us?
ROOF REPLACEMENT OVER BBC: Hodan has removed one of the old HVAC units. Roofer has not given us a date for the roof replacement; it may have to wait until spring.
NEXT PLUMBING PROJECT: The next priority is to continue with the laundry stack. The Board voted that it is OK to proceed on the laundry lines – let the Board know the approximate cost. All approved.
OTHER MAINTENANCE: Myra reported on the damages from recent wind and rain storm, including a tree that came down and was leaning on 10-12 Remington St. and needed to be removed. Café Sushi took in water (even though that roof was new in 2018) and unit 12E took in water. The roofer was out to inspect all areas. (PS he found a hole in the roof over Café sushi and guessed that something may have come down from a balcony above. Unit 12E Elder found the slider in the unit above had the track filled with water, this is an original slider in unit PH-D).
OTHER ITEMS: Roger went to a community meeting after a murder in the area. Because of the homeless people in our neighborhood, he is concerned about the food delivery that is left in the vestibule or the lobby. He would like to send out a notice that says “If you do not pick up your food from the lobby, you lose your right to it. Pick up your food promptly.” Investigate bringing back the cameras covering the front and back lobby doors.
NEXT MEETING DATE: January 25th 4:00 PM (note time change) via Zoom.
Respectfully submitted,
ELN Management
Myra Finn Miller