1105 Massachusetts Avenue Condominium Trust

Board of Trustees Meeting

May 25, 2023



The meeting of the 1105 Mass. Ave. Condominium Trust Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 4:30 PM via Zoom. Present for the Board were John Giannacopoulos, Richard Landau, Marge Mulkerin, Roger O’Sullivan, Bev Thornton,


Also attending were Elder Nunez and Myra Miller.


WATERPROOFING:  While the contractor is waterproofing the next (North) side of the building, we need to make sure they check under all of the HVAC units.  Myra, please ask Richie how they check the caulking at the bedroom windows.  It is impossible to do it from inside  the apartment unit.  This is especially important when new windows are installed.  Does Allstar have equipment that can do this?


PREVIOUS MONTHS MINUTES:  The minutes of the April 27, 2023 meeting were approved as presented. 


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNT STATUS:  We reviewed the account balances.  There were no other questions on the financial statement.


RENOVATION REQUEST UNIT 3B:  The Board did not have any questions regarding the plan submitted by the new owner. It was submitted complete with drawings and documentation.  We want to make sure that he does not change any venting of the stove into air space. 


FOLLOW UP ON DOOR COMPANY:  In order to be sure there is as much uniformity as possible on the corridors, we want to make sure we have specified a door to use for replacements.  Myra to follow up on this.


PORTAL:  We tabled the communications portal www.condocommunities.com.    John Giannacopoulos will try to look at  the website before the next meeting.


SUGGESTIONS FOR DOCUMENT CHANGES:  Bev has the 950 Mass Ave. documents to look at and get some ideas for our updates.  With the upcoming BEUDO ordinance coming from the City.  We want to make sure that the responsibilities of the retail stores are clear with regard to energy usage. Rick has asked everyone for a list of changes and suggestions that he can add to the original list he shared in March.


PEEP HOLE:  1F will install a peep hole in the door.  The camera has been removed.


STARRY UPDATE:  We continue to be informed on all steps that Starry is taking in their bankruptcy and reorganization.  We have shared all communications with the bankruptcy attorney referred to us by MEEB.  We are not owed any money from Starry.  They have continued to pay for the rental of the space and a portion for electricity costs.


BEUDO UPDATE:  The recommendation of the city manager was to wait a year for finalizing condominium compliance requirements.   The Ordinance is in a holding pattern right now.  Nothing has been voted on.


There is also an item on the city docket for providing broadband throughout the city.  This will make a Wi-Fi signal available to everyone.


RESPONSE FROM 1075 MANAGER: Myra will follow up with the manager of 1075 regarding repainting of the back wall.


INURANCE RENEWAL:  Our policy renewed on May 23rd.


We will ask for an update about the status of the slip and fall case.  The last update resulted in the insurance adjuster asking to speak with all owners who contracted with John after the slip, and they all agreed to speak with the adjuster.


OTHER MAINTENANCE ITEMS:  The next large plumbing job is to complete the laundry line from the 5th floor up.


NEXT MEETING DATE:  Thursday, June 22nd  at 4:30 via zoom



Respectfully submitted,

ELN Management


Myra Miller