1105 Massachusetts Avenue Condominium Trust
Board of Trustees Meeting
September 28, 2023
The meeting of the 1105 Mass. Ave Condominium Trust Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, September 28, 2023 via zoom.
Present for the Board were Steve Cohen, John Giannacopoulos, Rick Landau, Roger O’Sullivan and Bev Thornton. Also in attendance were Elder Nunez and Myra Miller.
PREVIOUS MONTHS MINUTES: The minutes of the September 7, 2023 meeting were approved as presented.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNT STATUS: The Board reviewed the list of delinquents and prepaid accounts. No questions on the financial statement.
ROOF PROPOSAL: We received 2 proposals for the replacement of the roof over Boston Burger. John reported that Carlisle is giving a warranty on the material in the Tyee proposal. There was a difference in the specifications on the thickness of the insulation. There was discussion about both contractors. We have a company that we know well and have a history with. We need to push them on price! Roger proposed that if Richie will lower the price we will go with them, all agreed.
Also, Hodan needs to be put on notice as well because of the abuse of the roof.
2G RENOVATIONS: Tenants are moving out this weekend and the contractor will start on Monday. Deposit was already sent to the contractor.
WATERPROOFING: Waterproofing is complete on the north side of the building. Staging is moving to the last section. Then they will move it to do the bedroom window at 6D for a reduced price. Soffits have been repainted.
BEUDO: There is nothing new to report right now.
ANNUAL MEETING PREPARATION: Bev has contacted several people to see if they are interested in being on the Board.
Myra drafted the list of accomplishments for the Boards review. This is given to owners before the Annual Meeting is held.
CONDO DOC UPDATES: Rick has added to the list of updates suggested for the documents. He will send it out to Board members for comments. After the October Boad meeting, he will send it and the comments to our attorneys. Also included was a fine schedule for violations to rules.
It was also suggested to have a marketing campaign out to owners that updates are good and they should be supported Mike O’Hara has volunteered to help write this up.
INSURANCE CLAIM UPDATE: We finally received the adjusters report. It has been sent to all unit owners affected. There was one question about how long they can take to do all repairs in order to collect the depreciation. The adjuster is checking on this and will get back to Myra with an answer.
SHOE STORE LEAK: This was a bathroom line blockage and it leaked into the shoe store. The only damages were some ceiling tiles and they have been replaced. The drain line has been cleared and Elder did the cleanup needed in several units.
SUGGESTIONS TO INCREASE PRICE OF FOB: It was suggested to increase the cost of a replacement fob to $25, vote passes.
BICYCLES; The bike room is filled up again. We need to tag bicycles and find out how many have been abandoned. We need to do another major bike inventory to verify active units.
WEBINAR: Bev listened to a webinar about EV charging stations (can’t say no, but the owner would have to bear the full expense), E-bikes, (become a fire hazard to bring these bikes up to your unit with lithium batteries) and video doorbells.
NEXT MEETING DATE: October 26, 2023 at 4:30 via zoom.
Respectfully submitted,
ELN Management
Myra Finn Miller